Advanced JavaScript
2-day Advanced JavaScript Web Design Course — JSA
Advanced JavaScript Web Design Training Course Overview
The course is designed to build upon what is covered in the JavaScript Essentials course. However there is a rapid review to bring all delegates up to a starting standard; experience has shown that even experienced users will have not picked up on a few points.
Course contents — 1 Review of JavaScript basics
- Variables: declaration
- Types: numeric, boolean, strings, template literals,…
- Operators: the different ones, precedence, associativity
- Control structures: if, while,…
- Functions: declaration, anonymous,…
- Arrays & objects for data storage
- Debugging in a browser
- Use of Node.js for testing
Course contents — 2 Language
- Variables: scope, const
- Type conversion
- Properties and methods for the basic types
- void operator
- yeild
- Built in objects
- NaN, Infinity, undefined; typeof operator, testing undefined
- Bitwise operators
- Destructuring assignment
- Typed arrays
- delete
- Dates
- Error handling: try/catch/throw/finally
- eval()
- Strict mode
- Reserved words
- Order of execution
- export
- Sets and Maps
- Functions: default parameter values; the rest parameter, the arguments object
Course contents — 3 Regular expressions
- Character classes
- Repetitions
- Matching, capturing, replacing
- RegExp object methods
- Modifiers
- Examples for use in validation
Course contents — 4 Miscellaneous
- Differences between ECMAscript 5 and 6
- Deprecated features
- Unicode
Course contents — 5 Objects
- Creating object methods
- this variable
- closures
- Private & static methods
- Extending classes
- Inheritance, the prototype chain
- instanceof
- Iterable objects,
- Getter and setters
Course contents — 6 The JavaScript environment
- Browsers: the BOM
- Where to put in a web page, options
- Additional reserved words in a browser
- Node.js:
- Additional reserved words in the Node.js environment
- Modules in Node: require